Monday 1 July 2013

Introduction of myself + a really nice abs workout!

Hi everybody,
I just joined Lora's blog. We both decided that it will be cool for me join the blog so I can share my experience with you and help you as much as I can.
Oh and by the way... she's my sister ;)

So to introduce myself.
I'm training and competing in martial arts. Currently I'm training MMA, Muay-Thai and Grappling.
I used to train and compete in Karate-do for about 10 years.
Along with all that I have a 10 years experience in the gym, doing all kind of fitness workouts, crossfit, high intensive workouts, cardio, strength and explosiveness and so on.
That's it about me in short.

I will try to motivate you and help to progress in your trainings!

Now LET'S BEGIN with the first workout that I will give you today!

It will be specifically ABS workout!
Just to warn you that it might be a bit difficult for most of you in the beggining
This workout will help you to put some muscles on the abs.

ABS workout #1

1. Toe Touchers with weights - grab a 5-15kgs weight and try to touch your toes with it. Try doing 20 reps.
immediately after this do
2. Alternate Heel Touchers do 10-15reps at each side
3. Stretch for a minute and rest for another one
- repeat 2 more times

4. Scissors kick On Parallel Bars do about 10-15 reps for each leg by alternating them. Usually scissors are done lying on the ground, but I prefer them on the parallel bars :)
5. Barbell Side Bend - grab the barbell, put no more than 10kgs on it and do 10 reps each side for
repeat for 3 more times.
6. Stretch for a couple of minutes

This workout is really close to the one I did the last time. However I do not stick to the same workout twice. I change it everytime. Sometimes I change the reps, sometimes I add or exclude an exercise or add more weight.

Here is a recent photo of my abdominals :)

That's it! If you have any questions do not hesitate!
Keep going Strong :)

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