Wednesday 24 April 2013

Top 5 Exercises to Look Fit, not just Slim

In what stage are you: loosing weight, getting big muscles or maybe just looking fit? Well, this article is for those of you who have already slimmed down and are now looking for that great fit look...

How to Look not just Slim but Fit

There are many people that mistake the two
concepts of 'being slim/skinny' and 'looking fit'. I have personally seen and talked to many ladies (especially ladies) that are slim and have no muscles, believing that loosing more weight will give them the desired look. Well ladies...this is not the case! Get some muscle there! You do not need to look like a fitness model or a bodybuilder (by the way, there is no way this can happen unless you put it as your goal) to be looking good and fit. And forget about the skinny fashion models... Fit Is the New Sexy! 

How often should I train to look fit?

In order to look good and have some muscle (notice I say 'some' and not 'a lot' for those who are scared of getting muscular), you need to exercise at least 5-6 times per month for the beginners. This frequency of training will help you build some strength in your muscles and make them more tight. If you have already passed that level, you must increase to 2-3 times per week. You are going to feel the moment of transition yourself. There will be a moment when your muscles will be feeling it too easy and then you need to switch to the higher interval. For those of you who consider themselves "advanced", 3 - 6 times a week should be the best for you. It is always good to leave one day rest because otherwise your muscles "get used to" the workout and the effect is not the same.

What exercises should I do?

There are plenty of exercises that you can do to get your body toned and defined:

  • Squats - to define the glute
There are many types of squats you can do and they are THE exercise for a shaped bum and hips. Start with normal squats, later add weights and from then on you can start doing variations.

Variations: Sumo squats, Sumo squats with leg raise, Jumping Squats, etc. 
  • Lunges - also for glute and hips
Variations: Walking lunges, Front lunges on spot, Backside lunges, Back and Front lunges. Add weights !
  • Push-Ups - for nice arms, shoulders and abs
Push ups are also a great exercise to add definition. They target various muscles so with one shot, you get more. It is a good idea to start with your knees on the ground. Later you can lift your knees up and from then on: 

Variations: Cross Leg push ups, Reptile push ups, try decreasing the distance between your hands, etc.
  • Planks - for abs
I like doing planks. It builds strength in your muscles. Start with a normal plank but once you feel it is not a real challenge to keep it for one minute, start changing the variations:

Variations: Shoulder touch plank, Reptile plank, Side plank, Up and Down Plank
  • Burpees - for the whole body
Burpees make many muscle groups in your body to contract and they also have a cardio effect. It is kind of an advanced move but the sooner you get used to including them in your workout, the better for your shape! And this is what we want right? I nice body shape...

So, these are my top favourite toning, muscle defining exercises for a fit look. What do you do to get them muscles visible? 

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