Inevitably we are again at this moment of the year when we normally get these thoughts about what we would like to achieve or change in the coming year. Here is how to make these thoughts become a reality...
Spend 15 mins of your time alone
Find 15 minutes of your time to just sit down in a room by yourself and contemplate on the things you would like to achieve/change. Are you not completely satisfied with your physical performance? Think about what is hindering you from your goal. Maybe you have not tried quitting fast food or you do not get enough sleep. Probably you would like to get that car you really want but you do not have money? Think about the different aspects of your life and identify the things you desire most
Write them down on a paper
I know some of you might think this is a cliché but is not! I have experienced it myself. Often I write down my goals on a piece of paper and I stick the papers on the mirror in my room. Sooner or later these turn to become a reality. Once you see your goal written down black and white, you see it suddenly starts seeming more real than it was before that. So, write down all things you would like to change. No matter how simple they are. For instance, "I am going to bed 30 minutes earlier", "I am eating healthy foods " or "I am eating healthier than before ", "I am managing my money wisely". Pay attention and use affirmative words and tenses. Make it sound like it is already a reality and you are half way there !
Even better - visualize them with pictures !
My favourite is though the method of using pictures. I was just thinking about this and a friend of mine told me he put a picture of the MMA club in his car because he wants to start practising it and be good at it. Great! You can put pictures on your wall, mirror, change your desktop background with a picture of your desire (or make a collage!). Chose where to place the pictures strategically - where you will know you will be looking at them every day. If you have a fitness model or someone with a great physique that you admire, put a picture of him/her as a background of your phone. It is that simple!
What are your ways to make New Year's resolutions? If you have some, please, share with us.
Affirm your goals by sharing them with us!
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