Wednesday 7 August 2013

The 7 Wonders of Watermelon

At the very middle of this extremely hot summer season I have been eating quite a lot of watermelon since it feels like water with wonderful taste. So, I got interested - is the watermelon actually only water with a nice taste or does it have more benefits? Guess, what? It has a lot of benefits... read on..

  1. Anti-oxidant - 100 gr of watermelon contain 19% of the daily dose of Vitamin A. The vitamin is a great anti-oxidant that strengthens your immune system. It is also rich in other anti-oxidants
  2. Vitamin C - same as Vitamin A, it helps the immune system and it also gives you energy
  3. Good for the heart - as a source of potassium, watermelon helps blood pressure and improves heart rate - important while the summer heat is still on.
  4. Protein in the seeds - it is said that 24 seeds contain 1 gr of protein. So just keep in mind that you are intaking at least some of your daily dose while eating this fruit. The seeds also contain iron and zinc the levels of which build up over time. 
  5. Eat as much as you can !! - Watermelon is very low in calories and easily kills the hunger
  6. Summer thirst killer!! - The fruit is very high in water content
  7. Weight loss buddy - because of the last points, watermelon is also perfect if you are aiming to lose weight.

Did you know that the watermelon is a relative to plants such as squash and pumpkin?!

     Nutrition values per 100 gr:
     30 calories from which:
     26.7 carbs (from natural sugars and dietary fiber ), 2 protein, 1.3 polyunsaturated fat

     So, eat generously and enjoy! 

     Can you add something to the list?


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