Let me share a really healty and easy to make snack which you can consume no matter if you are trying to gain or lose weight.
The meal consist of:
Curd (Cottage cheese)
Yes, it's that simple.
Take 100-150gr Curd , about 30gr Walnuts and 2 tea spoons Honey.
Break the walnuts into small pieces, put them in a cup along with the curd and the honey and mix up everything.
Here you go! You are ready to eat!
Now let me tell you more about the Curd and the Walnuts.
The Curd (cottage cheese)
Is a concentrate of milk protein - casein, albumin and globulin, contains about 20 amino acids, most of which are essential.
Cottage cheese diet will help you avoid the unpleasant feeling of hunger and at the same to time lose weight.
It is perfect for breakfast, as you will be sated until lunch, and at the same time will not leave a feeling of heaviness in your stomach.
Nutrition values per 100gr : 117 calories, 5 g fat, 14g protein and 4 g carbohydrate.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins (A, C, E, P and the group C), minerals (magnesium, iodine, copper, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron), high-quality protein with high content of amino acid tryptophan and fiber.
Nutritional values per 100 grams of walnuts: 654 calories, 65 g fat, 15 g protein and 14 g carbohydrate.
Moreover, the high content of omega-3 fatty acids makes walnuts indispensable in the fight against cardiovascular disease. You might have heard they are also called "brain food" again because of the omega-3 fatty acids and also because they stimulate brain activity and enegizes the body.
Walnuts also strenghten human bones.
However, if you are trying to lose weight you should know that this is high-calorie food and should not consume more than 30gr per day
The third ingredient - HONEY , I put honestly because I cannot eat curd straight. Many people including me just doesn't like the taste.
You can replace the honey and put a banana or\and some forest fruits.
Got hungry...
Stay strong!
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