Sunday 8 December 2013

Bodyweight Interval Training

What I love about interval trainings is that it can never be too easy. Why? Because you have to go as fast as you can. So the stronger you become, the more reps you do. You get it? Now go get ripped with this 50:10 protocol bodyweight workout and nothing more !

4x Exercises 4x Rounds 50:10

The workout consists of only 4 exercises. Each exercise goes for 50 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest (the 50:10 protocol. We've done that before!) .You've got to go as fast as possible in these 50 seconds, kicking your heart rate go up. Make sure you breath a lot during the exercise and the 10 seconds of rest to get enough oxygen to your muscles. This is  very important when you are doing HIIT (Read more about High Intensity Interval Training).

Repeat the sequence for 4 rounds. Trying to score higher reps on each round. Together with the warm up it should last for about 20 minutes. It is also a good idea to stretch for 3 -5 minutes after the workout.

1. Jump Squats

Get down in a squat position. Your feet are spread at least shoulder width apart or a little bit wider (depending on how flexible you are). Bent your knees until you come to 90 degrees. Make sure your knees stay behind your toes and not leaning in front. Your back should be flat, chest open and you are gazing in front of you. Chin also parallel to the floor. The centre of your weight is on the outside of your feet and on your heels.

From this position, push yourself off the ground with your feet, squeezing your gluteus and abs to help you with the jump. Jump with straight legs and land softly in the same squat position. AMRAP (as many reps as possible) for 50 seconds ! Write down your scores.

2.Jump Lunges

Set up your lung position. From standing make step out with your right foot and bent your knees. The front knee is about your ankle at 90 degrees. The back knee is below the the hip also at 90 degrees. Do not bring the back knee too much to the back or to the front.

From this position, push yourself off the ground with your feet. Switch legs and land softly in the same position. The only different is that now your leg foot is in front and your right foot is back. Repeat the jump and switch. AMRAP for 50"! Write down your score

3. In&Out Abs

Get down in a plank position. Your shoulders are above your wrists. Neck is long. Your back is flat. Your legs are straight, so you are on your toes and palms. Maintain your body line straight. If you look yourself into the mirror, fro your head to your toes your body should be aligned in one line. Do not lift your butt or collapse your hips. In order to maintain straight body line you need to contract the abs. Work those abs ! They should be contracting during the whole time.

From the straight plank position, jump with your feet in, between your arms. Then jump them out, back into the straight plank position. Do as many reps as possible for 50" ! Write down your score

4. Triceps Dips

Get yourself a chair next to a wall or use a step or something that can hold you. If you cannot find anything you can also do it on the ground. Place your palms on the chair (or floor) behind you with fingers pointing towards your body. Knees are bent and elbows straight. Bent your elbows as low as you can (without your butt reaching the ground) and push yourself up to straight arms again. Do as many reps as possible (AMRAP) for 50". Write down your score

Try to perform better with every round. Even one rep more is an improvement! For a maximum recovery, take some good protein.

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