Wednesday 27 November 2013

Full Body Workout

I just love to perform total body workouts that include exercises for basically (almost) every muscles group in your body. You can do them quickly and there is always a way to adjust the exercises so that you can do them at home. They also burn more calories than workouts that try to isolate separate muscles. Now get up and try this workout and start feeling good today!

Repeat routine 3x times. Aim for no rest

1. Squats - 20x reps

Begin in a standing position with feet a little wider than hip-width. Your chin should be parallel to the floor and chest should be lifted. Contract your core and start bending down your knees. The weight should be shifted to the back and outside of your feet. Lower down withour arching your back. Keep the knees behind your toes always. Get down to 90 degrees (or even a little bit lower). Then, start raising pushing your feet into the floor and squeezing your butt cheeks. Keep the chest up and the back flat. When you get back to standing, push your hips a little forward. 

*Include weights if you feel you need an extra challenge. 

2. Forward Lunges - 15x reps per leg

From standing position bring one of your feet one step in front and bend down so that the knee of your front leg stays above the ankle (do not let it go forward!) and the hip of the back leg stays in line with the knee. Come back pushing off from your front leg, using your tighs and glute. Repeat with the other leg. Keep your core contracted throughout the whole exercise to find balance. 

*Include weights if you feel you need an extra challenge

3. Chest press - 15x reps

Lay down on your back with equal weights in your both hands. Shoulders are parallel to the ground and elbows are bent 90 degrees. Push-up the weights contracting your core in the same time. Straighten your arms and go back to the initial position.

4. Triceps dips - 20x reps

Sit down on the ground with your knees bent and place your palms on the floor behind you. Fingers pointing towards your body. Your toes should be looking up the ceiling. Lift your butt using only the power of your arms as much as you can. Then lower your butt down without releasing it to the ground and repeat again. Keep your core tight.

*For extra challenge, you can perform this exercise leaning your palms on a bench / chair. 

5. Superman - 15x reps per arm/leg

Get down on all-fours - shoulders above wrists and hips above knees. Neck stays long and relaxed so you are looking down to the floor. Contract your core. Lift and straighten one arm and the opposite leg. Hold for 2 seconds. Get back to the initial position. Lift and straighten the other arm and its opposite leg. Hold for 2 seconds and get back to all - fours. Repeat the exercise. 

6. Boat - 15x reps

This exercise is known by many names but I like to call it 'boat'. That's how we used to call it back in the primary school! Yes, I have known it for a long time and this is why I used to see it as too simple. However, recently I realised how tremendously important it is for lower back strenght! 

Lay down on your belly with your arms long, reaching in front, and your legs straight. From this position, try to lift your arms and legs off the floor as much as you can, contracting your core. At the moment when you lift your arms and legs as much as you can, hold it there for 2 seconds and release down to the initial position. Repeat. 

7. Up & Down Plank - 15x reps

Get into a lower plank position. Your forearms are on the ground. Elbows are below the shoulders. Your hips are off the floor and you are on your toes. You are contracting your core and keeping straight body line. Your body should be flat and perfectly aligned. From this position, come into a high plank by placing one of your palms on the floor, then the other one, straightening up your arms and coming to a high plank. After you are in the high plank, lift one of your palms and place your forearm on the floor, followed by the other one, coming back to the low plank. Your body stays aligned and core contracted all the time.

8. Side Plank - 15x per side

Lay down on your side, leaning on your forearm. Legs are straight. Push yourself off the floor using your core power. It is very important to contract your core and do not shift your weight onto your arm. Lift off until your body aligns in a straight line and release down. Repeat 15x times and turn onto the other side. 

Now repeat two more times and keep it strong ;) 

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